More Free Energy books

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 09 Apr 1998 00:18:55 -0500

Hi Folks!

Here is another site that sells what is claimed to be f/e books. Many
of them are George Wisemans' books and he will tell you personally that
he has yet to acheive a true free energy as in a self-sustaining, let
alone overunity device. The Browns gas and HEAT series are quite
interesting and provide lots of detail on how to produce the hydroxy mix
of Rhodes/Browns gas.

Before spending your money, just keep in mind that if even one of the
reports in these books were so (true free energy), don't you think it
would have been duplicated many times worldwide and there would be all
kinds of publicity, articles, websites, etc. broadcasting the FACT that
FINALLY, a working, reproducible free energy device had been found?

To the best of my knowledge there is STILL no working free energy
device, despite all the claims and documents, here and elsewhere.

You can't buy it, you can't buy plans for it, you can't get even a PoP
demonstration of the principle to run a flashlight bulb....but you can
get all kinds of CLAIMS of tens of kilowatts up to gigawatts (millions)
of how can it be that a flashlight bulb won't work but
kilowatts of power are said to be generated...hmmm.....200 milliamps X 3
volts = .6 watts...Puthoff calls his the one watt challenge, so 500
milliamps X 3 volts = 1.5 Watts, either one in a self-sustaining form
would be the PoP (proof of principle) that could be scaled up for higher
power levels.

I have received several calls from people complaining about one
organization in particular who sells plans (though there are
others) build from the plans, then when it doesn't work, despite
following the instructions exactly, when you call for advice, they say
you didn't build it right and its not their problem.

So here you've spent your time and money on some plans that didn't work
because you are just too stupid to build it.

Ever hopeful and 'wanting to believe', you spend more time and money
tinkering with it hoping YOU can get it to work....surprise, it either
never worked in the first place or the seller left out a critical piece
of information.

I'll bet it never worked in the first place.....lesson - if money is
involved WITHOUT providing hardware, let the buyer expect to be screwed.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187