Re: Searl Rotation a Thermal Effect?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 06 Apr 1998 01:52:32 -0500

Hi Bill!

Yes, I saw a demo of that motor at a Troy Reed presentation at the INE a
few years is more a novelty than anything practical, though
quite fascinating to watch....

It uses so much current only a battery charger could provide it for the
demo I saw...the current guy working on this is Kooistra, great article
in Infinite Energy on it with some very clear photos of it....the design
is slightly different but essentially the same effect....

Why is it someone has to die to get attention? Marinov's suicide last
year drew more attention than he was ever able to get in his life...what
a shame, such an energetic little fellow....blazing eyes, always had
something to say, even though his accent was sometimes difficult to
understand...I couldn't believe he'd do something like that, but then
again, he had a couple of years earlier threatened to set himself on
fire on the steps of a major German courthouse in protest of the
treatment of some overunity researchers whose equipment and bank
accounts were seized...

There is more on the pyromagnetic generator when I get it ready...trying
to be careful because the contact is afraid he might be stopped in
passing it on....he promised fax diagrams but nothing yet....the list is
a great way to post useful info that can then be referenced by anyone at
anytime...really saves me time on having to make html pages for short
items....I think we are all going to be blown away with how this
pyromagnetic thing really works and how we could miss something so least to my contact...<g>....seeya!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187