Re: Searl Rotation a Thermal Effect?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 06 Apr 1998 04:14:44 -0500

Hi Folks!

Here is yet more detail from this marvelous contact...
Let's use the Physics Demonstration approach. The best book ever
written is actually a two volume set called the Physics Demonstration

Everything from Dirod Electostatic generators, Larmor Precession,
Homopolar generator theory, Helmholtz rings, pyromagnetism is in there,
it's a must read.

I have given physics demonstrations ever since I was in jets at
Stratford High school In Houston. That's how I do things. I create
simple reproducible real world devices just like our favorite Mr. Wizard
or Bill Nigh.

Until you recreate these experiments it is useless for me to get into
the advanced stuff. So here we go ---- punch holes in a cardboard tube
the diameter of an Oatmeal carton. These holes go along both sides as
on a flute. In other words run a series of uniform holes along the
cylinder. Similar to a diving Submarines blow holes.

The tube is then placed horizontally to an air stream, ie. a table fan
blowing vertically. If you have placed the flute holes in the proper
position along the sides of the horizontal cylinder and placed it in the
fans updraft, a suction is created inside the cylinder.

To detect this, place a small turbine say one to two inches diameter
made from an aluminum pie tin. Similiar to a childs wiz ring, the kind
they blow into on their finger to make a screaming noise. If you're
successful in spinning the turbine by the induced flow sucking out the
plenums air, you now have step one.

You have demonstrated a basic venturi phenomenon; the creation of a
partial vacuum by external air flow. NOW build this cylinder out of
steel covering one end of the cylinder with a thin sheet of steel to
make a diaphragm.

This diaphragm is acted upon by a permanent magnet or permanent
electromagnet, ie., one with a constant current input. No it does not
have to be a superconductor.

Next, place a valve on the cylinders blow or flute holes, whatever you
want to call them. They carry the air by venturi induction out of the
cylinder. The same way a pitot tube or a carburetor sucks gas into its

Alright, you now have a funny looking steel cylinder containing a magnet
down its axis inside the cylinder. The magnet is physically stuck onto
a solid plate on the other end of the cylinder opposite the end with the
thin steel membrane, same as a kettle drum or bongos.

The internal magnet does not touch the steel membrane, it must be free
like an ear drum to resonate against the magnets pole. This converts the
entire cylinder into a transformer. (Apparently the axial magnet is
wrapped with a coil of wire)

Anytime the membrane senses an air pressure change it pushes in or pulls
away from the magnets' pole. The pressure change is accomplished by
alternately closing and opening the aforementioned exhaust valve. Q.E.D.

The plenum now implodes when the exhaust valve is open and pressurizes
via the top mounted freewheel turbine when the exhaust valve connected
to the blow holes, (submarine example), is closed, a high frequency
Whoop WEE, WHOOP WEE is heard.

The cylinder will begin to heat up as the resonating membrane is exposed
to both cool implosion and hot pressurization cycles causing it to
become pyromagnetic. You now have the worlds Most Efficent Machine for
generating electric power.

I will tell you more later of how you can build this implosion
convective generator in a hundred diffrent shapes and sizes, ie flying
shoes, I'm not Kidding --- Power belts wrapped around your waist, disc
types, sphericals, cylinders. They all use the same principle.

The reason I haven't released more is because people can and will get
hurt by these machines. I can't assume any financial liability PERIOD. A
final note - a handheld solenoid with a conical hat harnessed like a
small parachute that uses body heat and an implosion generator as its
power source.

The implosion generator is driven by a venturi draining the conical hat.
The output is stored on a capacitor and then discharged into the
solenoid held in your right hand. You push the solenoid staff on the
ground to switch on the current which causes a large mass acceleration
in the staff and you jump - endlessly like a pogo stick or an astronaut
walking on the moon --- its all first year High school Physics.

BUT it's also dangerous and as Christopher Reeves would be pressed to
tell you its better to walk for a lifetime, then to fly like Superman
for five minutes and suffer spinal cord injury.

I'm an old hang glider pilot. I've seen too many people get hurt. Is it
any wonder why I'm reluctant to release this information. Please be
responsible with what I've told you and I'll give you more.

God Willing I will not personally support any subversive or
anti-goverment organization the second the powers that be tell me to
shut up I will, instantly.

Physics is to make the world a better place not get people injured. So
please be careful with anything i tell you. Or I Won't be able to tell
you anything more - GOD BLESS.
So, everyone reading this who does any experiments, please be very
careful, he indicates that these devices can be very dangerous not only
by strong mechanical movements, but also high currents or high velocity
air. Just BE CAREFUL!!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187