Re: Reality check

Dr Jones ( )
Thu, 2 Apr 1998 18:12:00 +1200

At 00:21 1/04/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi Dr. Jones et al!
>Tsk, tsk, tsk.....I don't recall anyone slamming Cowlishaw or Lorrey,
>saying they were wrong or denying them their moment in the sun....all I
>said was it would be nice to see some credit to prior inventors, and I
>did leave out Laithwaite, not on purpose, but because there are several
>others...just those names were at hand.

No, I wasnt saying that. I was just saying that these people, Cowlishaw (and
perhaps Laithwaite) are the only ones actually actively publically promoting
their work - sharing and discussing.
>My final decision, YES, it does serve the purpose WHEN people post
>useful information. I have made it a habit to post URLs and other
>information directly to the list so it will be shared, archived and
>publicly accessible at escribe. This saves me having to make up URL
>pages with combinations of items that don't deserve a full page on their

Yes, well you have to take the useful with the useless. But I believe that
the list could be far more useful to all if references were given (not just
some article that I put on my page some time ago ... Ill see if I can find
>Now, about houses.....hard to slam others when you
>haven't posted any experimental results either...or did I miss
Well that's true. But Im taking part in other experiments as part of a
web-wide effort to validate controversial technology. And if this is an alt
tech list perhaps more of us should be doing the same?

>I haven't posted any because I haven't done any experiments (that I am
>comfortable with posting, i.e. it does not fall into the general list
>categories or didn't work)

Well THATS ALRIGHT. Even if the experiments DIDNT work, at least there we
have some experimental validation. Its not something to be ashamed of :)
Thats why I find JLN's lab reports just so damn good. Puts his pictures and
results on the web.
>For those who can't or won't play fair, time to leave.
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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(the sunscreen song)