Serial Time

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 22:10:29 -0800

Hi Folks!

Here is an email in response to a fellow who says the only reason we have
the term time is because we cannot conceive of eternity, needing a
beginning and an end to all things;

Yes, I see your point about time requiring that something has a beginning
and an end, thus it is hard for us to visualize 'eternity'....but
something makes us age and die so we have to have a name for it...

>From a spook perspective (literally)....have you ever heard of EVP(electrovoice phenomena)??? It is a means of recording what is believed
to be speech from discarnate entities, pioneered by the late Konstantin
Raudive and promoted by Dr. Walter & Mary Jo Uphoff and many others.

George Meek ran an institution called 'MetaScience' where they found that
13 simultaneous, but different tones which could be suppressed or
enhanced by 'spirits' to produce understandable voices.....the system was
called 'Spiricomm' and they got so good at it, they eventually discovered
how to do a video version....though not as reliable as the audio.

The reason I bring this up, in all communications they received where
they specifically asked about time or were told about what it was like
'over there'....each time the spirits said there was NO SERIAL TIME as we
experienced in the physical form....I always found this extremely
interesting since a discarnate entity, having no mass as we know it would
have nothing (practically speaking) to age.

David Hudsons idea that the aura resulted from superconducting elements
in the tissues of the body, that it was some kind of attenuating dynamic
matrix composed of pure magnetic force...then when this aura became so
weak that it could no longer couple to the physical, it would leave the
body, becoming one of these discarnate self-contained, and very weak
fields. So, IMHO, I have no problem with the concept of life after death
using this idea.

The information that Meek received indicated these discarnates could
basically focus their consciousness anywhere in the time stream, because
it was all one, NOW...instead of the serial form we perceive while in the

Despite many claims and reports from various sources, both going forward
and backwards in time, I don't see how this could be practically done at
this point, though high density resonant magnetic fields might be one
way. I personally wouldn't want to subject myself to such flux fields
just to find out. Though a telemetering system isn't out of the question
or sending something backwards and in a fixed location that would
suddenly 'appear' would be a great test. Thanks for your ideas on the

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187