Re: Serial Time

Robert Keddie ( )
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 02:25:19 -0500

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> Here is an email in response to a fellow who says the only reason we
> have
> the term time is because we cannot conceive of eternity, needing a
> beginning and an end to all things;
> Yes, I see your point about time requiring that something has a
> beginning
> and an end, thus it is hard for us to visualize 'eternity'....but
> something makes us age and die so we have to have a name for it...

I have had alot of thot on the spirit realm...and from reading here and
there i have had alot of thots come forth...

Bruce Cathie has sparked alot of these thots....

Bruce said that time is like a filmstrip..each frame representing a
second of time...(ill say second)
Looking at the entire filmstrip from beginning to end we see the past
and the one.
Thatis being outside that film and looking at it as a whole. Time is
experienced through
the consciousness of our body..our mind which is the projector..and can
only view the film
one frame at a time...the present. So whatever keeps us in these bodies
is the very thing that is
the key to exiting the time barrier?

Also Bruce Cathie said that when gravity increases , light or the speed
of it decreases? Do any of u remember that? Am i saying this correctly?
And i just recently read that "gravity is time"?
And when light energy increases gravity decreases..he said. Light is the
key to escaping time..gravity?

Now im going to get really spooky here...a soul that does not have the
"Light of God" in it is dark and has no light..therefore when its body
dies it gravitates to the darkness where there is no light
...but a soul that has the "Light of God" and dies...naturally attracts
to the light escaping the hold of gravity, darkness or hell? hmm? just

Ever notice for those of u that have read the Bible that whenever God
appears in this realm...its always in a purplish or white light (high
end of visible light spectrum)? And whenever the devil comes on the
scene it is always in black and red (lower end of visible light
God has to slow his resonation down so that we wold be able to see him
and the devil has to speed
his resonation up (appearing to be as light momentarily) the spirit
realm i think is not entirely a different just operates at
a higher or lower frequency or resonation? Am i usingthe coreect terms?
I think as we progress in the alternative sciences..or shall i say the
true sciences...that
we will indoubtedly have to deal with the issues of spirits, God and
such....because we will learn that such things do truly exist tho we
dont see them now...but we will when we advance in our knowledge...just
my opinion. Any thots?

