Re: Reality check

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 00:52:49 -0800

Hi Folks!

One further comment based on my experiences with the KeelyNet BBS.

The BBS ran from 1988 to 1996. During that time, we averaged between
1500 to 2000 users, always seeking word of mouth contact, not advertising
or promoting it to the 'general' public.

Many of the new users would send in effusive comments saying WOW, they
didn't realize there was so much online information at one location on
alternative science and saying thank you for providing it. All well and
good, use it, study it, do something with it, that was the intent.

However, as people absorbed more information and began to formulate their
own ideas and interpretations, some would take a caustic or very negative
approach to the very information which spawned and fed their interest in
the first place. A curious thing which I've never understood.

I saw this time and again, use it til, in your own mind, you have grown
beyond it, then castigate suggestion to those people, if
you can't contribute or be positive in your comments, shutup and leave.

Some even got involved, I regret partly by my not recognizing what was
going on, with spook groups who had infiltrated KeelyNet. I had to clean
house at that time also, kicking off the known spook group people,
including those who once were friends, now brainwashed by the spook group
to slam me or the BBS at every opportunity. From what I could tell, they
wanted to control and suppress any discussions, ideas or experiments
which they did not directly control.

Historically, I note that the majority of these people were never heard
from in a truly public forum again, at least that I have seen.

The point to this post, I have always believed in giving credit to
predecessors and pioneers. It puzzles me that people come in fresh and
new to the field, all excited and full of gratitude, then turn on those
who they learned from.

I have learned from many, many people and have never felt that I had to
slam those who were kind enough to teach me either by their extant
writings or in private or public communications. In fact, I prefer to
remain in contact with them and on good terms wherever possible, sending
them information that correlates with their own research or

Just a point of experience that might or might not have been noted by

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187