Re: Reality check

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 00:21:02 -0600

Hi Dr. Jones et al!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....I don't recall anyone slamming Cowlishaw or Lorrey,
saying they were wrong or denying them their moment in the sun....all I
said was it would be nice to see some credit to prior inventors, and I
did leave out Laithwaite, not on purpose, but because there are several
others...just those names were at hand.

As to your comment about experiments and ephemeral ephemeral, I agree
and you are right on target....a review of the posts with all the
garbage that sprung up about Atlantis, god, jesus, repeat test messages
and arguments have made me rethink the list....whether it was serving
the purpose I intended it to....

My final decision, YES, it does serve the purpose WHEN people post
useful information. I have made it a habit to post URLs and other
information directly to the list so it will be shared, archived and
publicly accessible at escribe. This saves me having to make up URL
pages with combinations of items that don't deserve a full page on their

Now, about houses.....hard to slam others when you
haven't posted any experimental results either...or did I miss

I haven't posted any because I haven't done any experiments (that I am
comfortable with posting, i.e. it does not fall into the general list
categories or didn't work)

I suggest those who are unhappy with the list, please DO unsubscribe and
go elsewhere if it does not suit your tastes.

Now that you bring it up, there are folks who have posted rude or
insulting comments or often post simply useless comments that I have let
slide because at times, they have actually lived up to their potential
and posted useful information. This simply fills up the archive and
mailboxes with essentially junk mail.

I am having problems being so strict as to unsubscribe the ones who have
done this on more than one occasion, despite pleas to them NOT to do
so...maybe its time to enforce the guidelines...hate to do it because it
smacks of censorship but the guidelines are sufficiently specific so
that adults can comprehend what the list is intended for.

For those who can't or won't play fair, time to leave.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187