Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 02:39:58 -0600

Hi Ray!

There is way far more OLD stuff that is temporarily lost and NEEDS to be
posted...I plan to help on that in future...have to do up a Kolisko
article...maybe I can get Borderlands to let me post an article or two they
wrote...really interesting stuff and she had experiments to prove it.

Loosely remembered now....during WWI, the government was having trouble
with shells exploding in the breach of the big guns. They could find no
reason for this so somehow Lily Kolisko got involved....she tracked down
the manufacturer, the batch and the date and time the faulty shells were
made...all occurred when a certain astrological conjunction was
present....this was partly based on insights she had made in her own
research and followed up with the most incredible 'patterning' of mass with
these stellas signatures....each alters mass in variuos ways...there is
another fellow whose name I can't recall, but they both found that salt
allowed to DRY under these stellar influences ALWAYS PRODUCE THE SAME

Pure Cymatics....I am so pleased you ordered the book and two videos on
cymatics...they'll simply blow you away....I showed this video to friends
and at several of our meetings over the years, always with the people
expressing awe and amazement with the amazing results from mixing sound

I've been a fan of Hans Jenny and Peter Guy Manners now for about 20 years
and had a 30 minute videotape of the Hans Jenny cymatic experiments....a
religious experience to watch sound produce dragonflies, reticulated snakes
that crawl across the vibrating surface, cells that multiply and
divide....amazing...if there is such an organizing influence in the
universe, it's as close to god as I can imagine.