Ray Tomes ( )
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 01:59:53 GMT

Hi Jerry

I fully agree with what you wrote:

>Pure Cymatics....I am so pleased you ordered the book and two videos on
>cymatics...they'll simply blow you away....I showed this video to friends
>and at several of our meetings over the years, always with the people
>expressing awe and amazement with the amazing results from mixing sound

I saw a Cymatics book at the Cycles Foundation library once and not so long ago
saw one of the videos. The video confirmed that the sort of things that I
thought was possiblewith waves do indeed happen (always good to know that) and
more besides.

>I've been a fan of Hans Jenny and Peter Guy Manners now for about 20 years
>and had a 30 minute videotape of the Hans Jenny cymatic experiments....a
>religious experience to watch sound produce dragonflies, reticulated snakes
>that crawl across the vibrating surface, cells that multiply and
>divide....amazing...if there is such an organizing influence in the
>universe, it's as close to god as I can imagine.

It is amazing to see. What I wonder about is what has happened to this work?
There seems to be some interest in health still but not as much as one might
hope. It seems that Royal Rife's work with e/m in the ELF range is based on
similar effects.

I also think that the implications for understanding atomic and particle
structures are profound. The pictures and video on my oscillons page at are not as amazing as Jenny's,
but you can see how the phases are co-ordinated between many waves and the
interesting relationships that ensue.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
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