Re: Harmonic Translation

Robert Keddie ( )
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 23:15:24 -0500

Jean-Pierre Lentin wrote:

> Hi all !
> I just received issue # 1 of an email newsletter called "Strange
> Attractor".
> It comes from Jon Monroe, head of New Science company, inventor of the
> Harmonic Translation system.
> Interesting stuff. First part is a brief history of radionics. Second
> part
> is the personal story of Monroe's research and how he designed
> Harmonic
> Translation - color and sound frequencies thru a PC, controlled by a
> kinesiology plate. Monroe calls his therapy "electronic homeopathy",
> or,
> more to the point, "electronic kinesiology". It comes very close to
> what
> Jerry envisions, i.e. medicine by EM signals of different drugs and
> substances.
> You can find the newsletter and other info at the new New Science
> website :
> For some reason, their older website is still online, with apparently
> more
> info :
> On the new site, there are 3 sound samples, for stress relief and mild
> euphoria. (900k), vitality boost. (1.1meg) and immune system boost.
> (1meg),
> but the link didn't work when I tried it this morning. I'll try again
> and
> compare with Sternheimer's sounds.
> That's it for now. Cheers to all.
> ---------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------
> Jean-Pierre Lentin
> -------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------

I went there and I am Amazed!! Wow! I did download the sounds for
stress and goingto reloop them and listen to them
longer..see what happens!