Harmonic Translation

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( lentin@imaginet.fr )
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 12:34:07 +0100 (MET)

Hi all !

I just received issue # 1 of an email newsletter called "Strange Attractor".
It comes from Jon Monroe, head of New Science company, inventor of the
Harmonic Translation system.

Interesting stuff. First part is a brief history of radionics. Second part
is the personal story of Monroe's research and how he designed Harmonic
Translation - color and sound frequencies thru a PC, controlled by a
kinesiology plate. Monroe calls his therapy "electronic homeopathy", or,
more to the point, "electronic kinesiology". It comes very close to what
Jerry envisions, i.e. medicine by EM signals of different drugs and substances.

You can find the newsletter and other info at the new New Science website :

For some reason, their older website is still online, with apparently more
info :

On the new site, there are 3 sound samples, for stress relief and mild
euphoria. (900k), vitality boost. (1.1meg) and immune system boost. (1meg),
but the link didn't work when I tried it this morning. I'll try again and
compare with Sternheimer's sounds.

That's it for now. Cheers to all.

Jean-Pierre Lentin