Re: Probability Biasing

Mathias ( )
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 00:52:41 -0800

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Wouldn't it be a shame if we could NEVER achieve overunity or zpe taps
> unless we psychically interact with the machine? So, creating a voice
> tape of your intent, then playing it over and over, possibly 180 degree
> phase shifted, would that alter reality? Easy enough to try...keep in
> mind, KeelyNet gets 25% of winnings.....;>

I muled over this one. IMHO there may be a flaw to this design. One
may succeed in materializing a given intended reality, but on a greater
picture that precedure maybe detrimental to one's spiritual evolution.
Allow me to explain... e.i.Tomatis found out that, as we age (and/or
evolve in a specific culture), some frequencies simply desappear
altogether from our voice or earing. In anilyzing one's voice imprint
and making a tape including all missing frequencies, then listening to
the missing frequencies over and over again, the person would in effect
gradually recover the hability to percieve/pronounce such lost sounds.
This amounts to rewiring the brain functions apparently lost with
sounds. Resulted in encreased health, facility to learn foreign
languages. If I remember you came up with a similar story some times
ago on this list.
So, on these premises, if one tape her/himself and locks her/his brain
in a voice loop made up of sounds carrying "defects" that one has
accumulated along the years...well do you see what I mean? I may be
wrong; and one never knows what will happen when one plays with phase
