Papp (was : Re: MRA/No self running devices?)

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 09:33:23 +0100 (MET)

Hi Bill & all

Bill McMurtry wrote :
> Is'nt the Papp engine the one that was exposed as fraud by some high
> profile scientist - Richard whats-his-name? I heard someone was killed at
> the demonstration. True?

True.Scientist was the late great physicist Richard Feynman. He witnessed a
demonstration in 1966, noticed a cord leading to an electrical plug and
insisted that it be disconnected. Papp (actually called "Joseph Papf" in the
article) reluctantly complied, the engine over-heated and exploded. One
attendant was killed. Papp subsequently sued Feynman about it. You can read
the article written by Feynman at
Jean-Pierre Lentin