Re: Water as Fuel Won't Work?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 23:58:47 -0600

Hi Matthew!

You wrote;
> One segment had two researchers that fired water "bullets" at
> something, can't remember what. When they measured the
> energy in the explosion they found they were mysteriously
> higher than the energy it took to create the bullets in the first
> place.

Yes, that was Peter Graneau and Richard Hull. Graneau calls these 'water
arc' experiments...they say the water moves at something like 2000 miles
per second. I posted it earlier in the list from the same video, loaned to
me courtesy of Reed Huish of Zenergy

You might go to the KeelyNet-L list archives and do a search on 'water arc'
or Graneau or Hull.