Water as Fuel Won't Work?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 06:48:49 -0600

Hi Folks!

Found this interesting comment about why hydroxy gas from water will not
work as fuel;

Assume you start with a quantity of water. That water can be
separated into hydrogen and oxygen by applying a certain, well known
amount of energy, plus a little extra that comes out as heat.

The resulting hydrogen can be stored as a fuel, and the oxygen discarded
(it's readily available from the air). Now, you can react the
stored hydrogen with oxygen, say in a fuel cell, and you will get
back _exactly_ as much energy as you originally put in.

The catch is that some of the energy always comes out as unusable heat (the
second law at work), leaving you with less _usable_ energy
(electricity, in this case) than you started with. The combination
can be considered a rechargeable battery. It can never return more
energy than it was charged with.

Water itself can never be a fuel, because it has no available energy
left - it's already burned. Think of it as hydrogen ash. You
wouldn't try to burn wood ashes to grill a steak, and periodically
adding more ashes wouldn't help a bit.

In the same way, you can't run a car on hydrogen ashes (water), and
adding more won't help.

Isaac Asimov wrote a science series a few years ago that may be
helpful. You need to read something like that to clear all this up.
It's not hard, you just need to get a better handle on the concept
of energy.
Interesting how people like Garrett did run a car on water in the Dallas
area in the mid-1930s, so it is reported in the press......maybe he didn't
read this....;-)

And let's not forget Keely's CLAIM that he could resonate to the water
molecule and cause it to shatter like the Memorex wine glass to release
tremendous force, 3 drops to produce 29,000 psi.

So, do we use electricity to produce hydroxy gas to burn or do we explode
the water in a special reinforcing resonant cavity, then use that explosive
force to drive a series of pistons.

Does anyone know how much pressure in psi is produced when gasoline is
exploded in a chamber?

Sounds kind of like blowing dynamite up in a tank and tapping the stored
explosive force, which by the way sounds as silly as blowing on a sail that
is mounted on a boat to cause the boat to be pushed.....<g>.....you have to
have reaction AGAINST something eh?

A fantasy metaphysical book published in the late 1900's, called
'Etidorpha' talks about a boat that used the inherent all pervasive aether
pushing into mass, to cause a boat to silently and speedily move across a
lake, when a 'well' or low aether potential zone was created in front of
the boat. The boat had no choice but to 'fall' towards this artifical
well. The deeper the well and the heavier the boat, the faster the boat
would move....hmmm.....sounds familiar....

Jerry W. Decker / http://keelynet.com
Voice : 214 324 8741 / FAX : 214 324 3501
PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, Republic of Texas 75187