Egyptian Tesla Coil?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 04:55:35 -0600

Hi Folks!

You might want to check out this site. It was posted to freenrg-l by Bob

I just came across a WEB site that along with other observations depicts
the Egyptian ankh symbol of a ball over pyramided lightning supports
as magic mountain).

Another observation was that the ascendency of the planetary gods are not
what they would be in today's world. An example being that Jupiter, Zeus,
was the highest god with the sun being a lower god.

Strange, because over 99.99% of the world's population wouldn't be able to
identify Jupiter in the night sky of today. Another observation being that
ancient descriptive narratives show a planet with only one season.

Although I don't agree with the hypothesises derived from these
observations depicted at this WEB sight, I do have my own hypothesis.

Possibly from a platform on the missing 5th planet of Kepler's musical
spheres, which is between Jupiter and Mars, and is now nothing but a ring
of planetary debris, I am guessing that the originators of this planetary
deity chart came somewhere other than earth.

Just as the earlier lesser god, Apollo, the sun, the source of present day
earth energy, has became a major player in the world of today, possibly the
sphere symbol over the pyramid of lightning, associated with the god
Osiris, was a major player of earlier times.

Possibly Mars the god of war and this 5th planet simply used this earlier
technology to the point of destroying both worlds. Just a thought. Keep in
mind that Tesla's notes were in the hands of the U.S. government before his
bones were even buried. Also remember that at he felt he had caused the
Great Siberian explosion during one of his Long Island tower
demonstrations. URL for this WEB site "Saturn Hypothesis" is:

Bob -
Also, check out the file on KeelyNet that deals with the Aten band as a
means of producing levitation, this is the one that I am told was published
a couple of months ago in UFOLOGY magazine...hey, I didn't know either!!!
definitely not what I want on my tombstone ;

Jerry W. Decker /
Voice : 214 324 8741 / FAX : 214 324 3501
PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, Republic of Texas 75187