Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Bill McMurtry ( )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 20:30:37 +1000

Hi Bob,

Is'nt the Papp engine the one that was exposed as fraud by some high
profile scientist - Richard whats-his-name? I heard someone was killed at
the demonstration. True?


At 00:31 27/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Mathias wrote:
>> Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>> > Now, let's all be honest here. If a device is TRUE over-unity, would it
>> > not be able to power ITSELF as well as to drive a load??
>> >
>> > The MRA could not do that, nor has anything else I've seen or heard of
>> > lo these many years.
>The Papp engine is definately self-running and definately overunity,
>from a reliable witness I know who's seen it run. It's main problem was
>and is that it produces TOO much power, tends to self destruct.
>Trouble is, it's proprietary. But half the answers are in the patent.
>Bob Aldrich
>Los Angeles