Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 04:18:10 -0600

Hi John!

You wrote;
> I worry greatly about the whole fetich cults that have grown up
> around Keely, Tesla, Schauberger.

I agree and if you peruse the KeelyNet website or even the defunct BBS you
will find a section on Keely but the entire board is not Keely, he is
simply the patron.

I am very well aware of the 'Tesla Church' and the animosity of many of its
members...I think Keely cheated NUMEROUS times and have pissed some of the
more hardline Keely folk off by saying that publicly, but he did it to get
MONEY to do research...I wouldn't do it, but there could well have been
circumstances we know nothing I just look at what is still
available and marvel at how far he had gone, always trying to correlate new
and old information within a general context of understanding, end goal, to
build a working device that will produce overunity/FREE energy, be able to
reduce gravity inflow into mass and other phenomena.

Look around the website, you won't see anything relating to a cult...those
who can comprehend Keely do so, the others just blow him off....suits
me...<g>.....the proof will be a working Keely machine and that's probably
not going to happen because of the incredible MECHANICAL TUNING involved,
though the phenomena can be achieved in other ways...

You wrote;
> You chose the term Free Energy because that was what it was called and
> read it somewhere in a book.It is not your term nor an immutable law.

Don't you think that is a HIGHLY presumptious statement? I wouldn't cast
you into such a preconceived mold. As a matter of fact and record, I
CHOSE to use the term because I fully concur that anything that you get
over what it takes to run a machine is essentially FREE...why? Because you
will expend the same amount of money to put together the system in the
first place just to run in an under-unity mode, so anything that produces
overunity is in fact producing FREE energy.

You wrote;
> You are creatng an unnecessary dissonance annd de-valuing your's and
> others work. Making things harder. It is not an energy enfficient way
> to go about....

Dissonant to whom? And to what purpose? KeelyNet was NEVER intended for
the masses whom you appear to be seeking to enlist. It was originally
semi-private in the BBS form and when Bill Beaty asked if he could post my
files on the Internet, I said sure thing, the more who can get to them the
better. But discussions and such were never intended to be public. People
would literally capture our message base and post it as FILES to the
InterNet....I was totally unaware of this until I got on the InterNet and
happend to stumble across discussions from LONG AGO. Now why do you think
they would capture the discussions and POST THEM?? Perhaps because a
helluva lot of people enjoyed them and found useful information....naw,
that couldn't be the reason. Why would people want to include KeelyNet
files on their own site?? Perhaps to bring in users??? Naw...

My point here, I am not out to impress or convert anyone. I expect no
money or fame from any of my activities, nor do I actively promote or seek
such returns.

If you ever see anything about KeelyNet mentioned in articles, books or
magazines, understand I did not seek it out nor did I pay for the
inclusion, it was done because the author or group WANTED to, most of the
time without my knowledge. In fact, an article I wrote on the Egyptian
Aten band was published last month in UFOLOGY magazine....I was completely
unaware of it until people started complimenting me on the article....fine
with me as I do not practice copyright for non specific technical

So you see, from what I can ascertain, the differences here are that you
have an entirely different approach and set of goals to what I have,
although you did say;
> New Energy slips the ZPE/aether/gravity paradigm into the mind of those
> practical people who will actully make it happen.

Are you nuts? 'Those practical people' won't be so easily fooled by such a
cheap trick as renaming the source. If that were the case, we would have
had free energy sometime in the past 100 years. We are far from the only
'smart' people who ever existed and the realization of aether is at least
3000 years old as far as I can tell. You intimate that none of us are
practical people. I am buying my home, own my vehicle, have excellent job
stability and skills and I know literally thousands of others who are also
'practical' enough to sustain a comfortable life. The issue here is there
is no working low tech free energy model YET. It has nothing to do with
'practical' at this stage, hell, we have to get a working model FIRST
before it can ever be commercialized and marketed. That is practical, we
must crawl before we fly.

You wrote;
> It is the sensationalists, the comics, the low end of the media that are
> to blame. They dont actually do anything, they just suck off the likes
> of you and poison the waters for the rest of us. But people cant tell
> the real stuff apart...

The art of discrimination in what you read and what you filter out as
bullshit is something each person is responsible for, I cannot be their
keeper, nor to my knoweldge have you or anyone else been appointed that
horrendous task. 'Suck off the likes of you???????' I like the sound of
it, but that's another story.

You wrote;
> You have no idea how nice it is do deal with a generation of interested
> people who do not have a beef about perpetual motion, they just want to
> make something that works. I find that generation to be dying off.

How can any rational person say something like that to anyone else? I
'have no idea'....puhleeze......that's all I've EVER looked for was
something that works.

If your messages continue in this tone, I suggest you find another target,
I do not play these types of games. KeelyNet will not change in order to
"all slipstream in together and align ourselves" are talking to
someone in the United States, not Russia, and 4th generation TEXAN at
that. We do NOT EVER try to even suggest that people change to fit with
the unwashed masses....<g>......if your fellow countrymen talk and feel
this way, it surely clarifies some observations I've noted about England.

Well, this type of conversation has no future for me, so this is how it is,
rather than prove your case to convince me to use the politically correct
term of 'NEW ENERGY', instead of the more targeted term 'FREE ENERGY', you
have reinforced, in spades, WHY KeelyNet MUST remain focused and in your
eyes 'alienated' from the New Energy slipstream. 99% of the emails I get
responding to KeelyNet say;

1) It has inspired them to study engineering or medicine
2) They used it as their start page on the InterNet so they can keep up

with what is going on in the alternative science areas
3) They praise it as the most interesting or informative site on the
4) They start their OWN free energy pages because they are so inspired
5) They want to use or link to various pages and want my permission

and other less specific but nonetheless enthusiastically POSITIVE comments.

Free Energy WILL rule and we will all use it to better the world. It will
indeed be NEW but it will not depend on variations of known technologies
wearing the sheeps wool of language to hide the simple fact that it is

Goodnight Gracie...