Re: FTL Object???

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 18:31:25 -0500

>I'll do the best I can on this. Dr. Jagger is not a simple physicist to
>read after but what the object is doing (SS433) is simply this, the red
>and blue shifts (radial velocity) of the object change from red to blue
>about every 14 hours! This means that the object travels in a very small
>orbit around a central galactic core at speed faster than light ???

I think this is quite old news. The name may be SC433, but if I remember
rightly it's a quasar that's ejecting blobs of matter. Because of some
quirk involving the angle between it and us, it *appears* to be moving FTL,
or so the conventional explanation goes. Anybody have the details handy?

Also, on the subject of exploding things, I recently read an article that
stated that certain types of supernovae defy conventional explanation as to
how they appear so bright versus the size of the star that formed them. The
author seriously suggested that some alien race was doing experiments with a
particle collider and achieved an energy density sufficient to break through
the "edge" of our universe into higher-dimensional space, releasing enough
energy to vaporize everything within 50 light years!

--"It'll be just like 'The Wonder Years', but with giant snakes!"    --H:TLJ, Yes Virginia, There Is a Hercules