FTL Object???

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 00:47:48 -0600

Hi Folks!

Has anyone heard anything about this??
I'll do the best I can on this. Dr. Jagger is not a simple physicist to
read after but what the object is doing (SS433) is simply this, the red
and blue shifts (radial velocity) of the object change from red to blue
about every 14 hours! This means that the object travels in a very small
orbit around a central galactic core at speed faster than light ??? Now
lets bring this down to earth, so to speak. If the objects (Your
everyday UFO's) do indeed come from outside the solar system, the small
crafts would have to travel faster than light, would they not? If this
were not so then biological life could not live on board long enough to
make the trip! The "Faster than light trip", superluminal speed, would,
although not a direct violation of the special theory of relativity
would take a infinite amount of energy, not possible, to make the trip!
This has been the main objection to the idea of the UFO from the very
beginning. Indeed it just about belies the whole question as far as good
physics. Yet here is our object, SS433, doing what I just said it cannot
A fellow was at our last Roundtable meeting who came up and talked with me
a bit. Can't recall seeing him there before and don't recall his name, but
he has a fascinating theory about the 'red shift' explanation. I can't do
it the justice it deserves, but he said it had to do with light
downshifting to produce the red light, by an odd way of being deflected
into a triangular path. I asked him if he'd written it up and he said no,
he didn't think anyone would be interested....so I asked him to write it up
as a file and so that others could read it and contact him for further
info. I think he said the light was deflected sideways and then when it
tried to resume the path, but slightly further along, it would move inwards
to form the longest leg of the triangle...this is what slowed it to the
lower red-shifte velocity. Isn't that an interesting idea??? Anyway, I'll
see if he can provide a good solid explanation as it he got my attention.
Expect an explosion of cool stuff in the near future, new toys, new
capabilities and above all, new knowledge to promote more mischief...seeya!