Re: Is everybody gone?

Hexslinger ( )
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 06:08:31 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, Billy M. Williams wrote:

> Also the Fold drive sounds interesting....reminds me of the drive the BORG
> use
> in Star Trek....
> Instead of Warping a hyperspace field (which is of course a dimension where
> light is NOT the fastest thing, i.e. Tachyons) around your ship to travel
> faster than light, your drive creates a shortcut (shunt tunnel) between 2
> points in spacetime.

Argh! Please do not mention the foul series that has haunted us with
pop-culture science for so long. :) And no, actually it's more like the
drives used in Wing Commander or some other sci-fi novels and series --
the idea being to manipulate space itself (in this case, the 'magic
hologram' that is our universe) so that you slip from one location to
another without traversing the intervening space. Gotta admit, if it's
possible, it'd be a damn efficient way of traveling. It also brings up
interesting ideas for shielding technology and other scifi-esque
technologies (such as a 'phase shield' which redirects incoming energy
such that it is redirect to a distant point in the universe -- which would
also act as a sort-of cloaking device).

But please, let's stick to the physics... AFAIK, several people have
suggested the idea of a holographic universe before - but I dont think
anyone has actually tried to work out the math to generate a
three-dimensional hologram, and then try to build devices which can
manipulate it.

Oh yeah - that's the other trick -- how to manipulate the hologram itself.
The first place to start: the aether. The aether is the hologram, and vice
versa. To create a disturbance in the hologram, we must first examine the
very nature of the aether -- criticize its every minute detail -- and
determine the *EXACT* nature of the hologram. Given that the universe
itself requires circular logic to understand (ie: who created the
universe? and who created the creator? etc etc - only CIRCULAR LOGIC
solves the problem "the universe is because the universe is"), I'm willing
to stake good money (if I had any<g>) on the idea that not only is the
universe a hologram - but that the aether is the basis of the hologram
itself... that there is nothing 'beyond' this hologram, which kinda goes
against what I said earlier -- since it means that the aether as we know
it caused the hologram to come into existance. ARGH. My brain's hurting...
I hate circular logic.