Re: Is everybody gone?

Tim v.d.Hoff ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 13:57:09 +0100

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Tim!
> You wrote;
> > What's happening?
> > Is everyone on holiday or something?
> > I haven't had a message since two days !
> It's called LIFE....and at times, some of us have to be responsible to
> other commitments and play the game that lets us do the InterNet in the
> first place.
> IMHO, it's better to see no posts, rather than posts with no useful
> content, greatly improves the signal to noise ratio.

Yeah, allright I understand but I was afraid that I was kicked of the
list.But fortunately I'm NOT.

And BTW: I do have a life, but I just find this mailinglist extrordinary
