Re: Is everybody gone?

Billy M. Williams ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 07:48:12 -0500

> > >This also brought up another point -- why is the universe
> > >three-dimensional? What is the mathematical process that made the
> >
> > Is it? Y not 4 dimesions? Would it be 4 dimensions if humans existed in
> > different dimension? For example, if humans were simply drawings on a
> > of paper, our understanding of geometry would be limited to a square. A
> > cube, existing in the 3rd dimension, would be like out there (did
anyone see
> > the Simpsons episode where Homer went into the 3rd dimension?)
> We percieve it in three dimensions. This does not mean the universe is
> limited to three dimensions, but regardless, the universe must have a
> mathematical basis for dimensionality itself.

If the current rage of Quantum Mechanics Called String Theory is right,
there are at least 28 or more dimensions. The 1st is Width, the 2nd is
Depth and the 3rd is Height. The 4th is of course called "Time".

Homer was from a 2 dimensional world, He had Depth and Width, but no Height
he was a cartoon). Entering our 3rd dimension he gained Height. And became
a living cartoon.

Also the Fold drive sounds interesting....reminds me of the drive the BORG
in Star Trek....
Instead of Warping a hyperspace field (which is of course a dimension where
light is NOT the fastest thing, i.e. Tachyons) around your ship to travel
faster than light, your drive creates a shortcut (shunt tunnel) between 2
points in spacetime.

Anyone ever read the old series by Alan Dean Foster? The ships in it used a
differant approach....the ship created a large gravity well in front of the
ship, which increased it's mass and pulled a ship along faster than light.

Billy M. Williams