Re: Space time structure/ Is everybody gone?

John Berry ( )
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 01:59:54 +1300

There is no reason to believe that space has any qualities whatsoever, It can't
have any spatial properties (size, deformation, composition) and the permeability
of space can be said to be measuring the permeability of an aether (or something
else) or that space can be said to not resistance or assist flux but it is
Space can be said to have no qualities at all. Just void, vacuum 'empty place' ,
no values at all.

Time can be said to be the same, It likewise can't have any temporal qualities and
also needs no other properties.
We normally see time with a past, a rate (speed), direction and even flow. What
if the past does not exist anymore? not only you can't go to the past but there
may be no such thing as past, Only the remnants and echo's of the past, This oddly
enough agrees with the claims of time travel I have heard, they don't appear real,
it is as if they are echo's, remember how most time travel claims are mental or
astral, but the only physical claims have heard sound like echo's, Remember that
radionics can be used to find what happened in the past as, there are many claims
of time cameras and the Ernetti time camera is said to work of the echo's of the
The rate at which time passes is not a property of time but the qualities of the
system such as inertia, though inertia won't change all measures of time but it
will change many, an aether type concept can explain a difference between the the
measure of time (measure of the dynamic values of the system) it two different
places by an underlying quality, the aether.
Time has no qualities or values or direction, the direction of time is dependent
on the dynamics of the system, You can reverse entropy and you may be able to
reverse all physical systems (though I doubt it) but you are not really reversing
time just physical systems.

> it also suggests that the aether, at least, what WE call the aether - is not the
> fabric of
> spacetime...

>Separate thought...

>I just remembered watching a clip on TLC about tornadoes -- where
>tornadoes were described as a massive downward blast of air, which
>rebounds off the ground and forms a funnel, twisting upwards in a spiral
>around the downward blast. This just keeps bringing me back to my original
>conclusions that alot of atmospheric phenomenon which most scientists and
>meteorologists attribute to thermal effects are actually electrical in
>Discuss, folks! DISCUSS!

Read Stan Deyo's The Vindicator Scrolls?

John Berry