Re: Fish Fingers & Will

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 18:55:04 -0800

Hi Dr. Jones et al!

I knew that would raise some hackles (or fins in this case)...<g>..

You wrote;
> 1 - How can a fish "will" to grow fingers!?!??!??!?!!?

IMHO, all matter has intelligence and will to various degrees. Note, it
is MY OPINION, not claimed as fact. When atoms combine to form
molecules, they form a gestalt that is more intelligent than any single

Anytime you have a combination of matter to form a higher order, you get
the gestalt effect to produce ever more intelligent orders and
sensibilities (ability to sense for feedback to allow learning), see;

The simple fact that an animal chooses to move in a given direction
indicates will, whether we categorize it as conscious or not, I KNOW that
it is a conscious decision.

If an animal tries to do something it currently cannot, and it persists
over and over, I think the cells will eventually alter themselves to try
to accomodate that desire. We see the same thing with physical therapy
where WILL and exercise restores use of paralyzed or atrophied
extension of conscious control...

> 2 - Even if a fish can "will" to grow fingers, how the hell will that
> be passed on genetically? Another fish of the opposite gender who also
> "willed" to grow fingers?

Animals learn from observing other animals and it is my opinion this
applies throughout the animal kingdom. Babies learn from their parents
how to survive, what to watch out for, where and how to get if
they saw their parent trying to do something and failing, yet trying over
and over, the baby will also try, learning by example.

Again, this is my opinion that the tissues and energy fields that had
been slightly biased in favor of a mutation by the will of the parent,
would have been incorporated into the baby(ies), so that the baby(ies)
were already biased in favor of the mutation and that observation and an
attempt to copy their parents would further reinforce the mutatagenic
effect. Eventually, over successive generations, new organs or limbs my view, it is all music...harmony, disharmony, all directe
by Will.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187