Fish Fingers & Will

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 05:17:29 -0800

Hi Folks!

The recent buzz in the news about fish developing fingers as a part of
evolution or mutation is intriguing. I am of the opinion that it is
WILL that causes these drastic jumps from one genus to another, i.e.
from a fish to a land crawler. The creature wanting to be able to leave
the water, projected as sustained intent over a period of time, whereby
cells grown under that biasing influence would produce the physical means
necessary to fulfill the will.

To quote one of Keely's comments on this;
> Understanding this, no one should continue to feel surprise at the
> varying emotions and impulses of a human being in an undeveloped
> state, as only by developed WILL can the motions of this force be
> directed.

I've seen this very subject talked about elsewhere but I forget the
actual term that refers to it....yes, Rupert Sheldrakes' 'morphogenetic
field' and Dr. H.S. Burrs' 'electrodynamic field' both seem to be the
organizing field, but WILL shapes or to some degree modulates/mollifies
that field. The degree will I think be determined by the amount of
sustained WILL directed towards achieving the desired change.

This too accounts for spontaneous healing, particularly with the use of
imagery that the patient uses to project anthropomorphic archetypes that
fight the anthropomorphic is used to indicate the
providing of a visual image for something that is hard to define
otherwise, as in calling thunder and lightning a product of Norse
Thunder God Thor, where swinging of his hammer, produces the thunder and
the strike of his hammer, provides the lighting....archetypes as used
here are collective subconsious imagery with specific attributes, as for
instance, Jesus, or Marilyn Monroe, or Elvis, a dead relative, the little
old man with one leg who lives at the end of the forest...etc...each of
these, when you think about it, will have a generic form but with
attributes which you have assigned to can create new ones or
access old ones or collectively shared ones for various purposes...

For example, a child would be told to envision cancer as a DRAGON, and
his white blood cells as being a WHITE KNIGHT....then it becomes a matter
of willing the knight to win and doing so on a regular basis, refighting
it each time and WINNING using various scenarios.

The point with this diatribe..<g> that if you create an image,
sustain it and WILL it to happen, it tilts probability in your favor. In
the case of living tissue, if you want to hard enough, IMHO you could
grow wings...<g>...perhaps not in one generation, though a vestigial
version would appear, with reinforcement of the desire in successive
generations, the vestigial organ would continue to grow and evolve to
fulfill the intent or desire of the animal.

IMHO, radical physical changes could be achieved in one generation under
the right conditions...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187