Re: Fish Fingers & Will

Dr Jones ( )
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 13:39:36 +1300

At 05:17 13/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>The recent buzz in the news about fish developing fingers as a part of
>evolution or mutation is intriguing. I am of the opinion that it is
>WILL that causes these drastic jumps from one genus to another, i.e.
>from a fish to a land crawler. The creature wanting to be able to leave
>the water, projected as sustained intent over a period of time, whereby
>cells grown under that biasing influence would produce the physical means
>necessary to fulfill the will.
This is classic evolutionary theory, and wholly garbage.

1 - How can a fish "will" to grow fingers!?!??!??!?!!?
2 - Even if a fish can "will" to grow fingers, how the hell will that be
passed on genetically? Another fish of the opposite gender who also "willed"
to grow fingers?