Re: Mambo Chicken book

Grant Fraser ( )
Wed, 04 Mar 1998 17:22:32 -0800

Jean-Pierre Lentin wrote:
> Hi John & all
> John Berry wrote :
> > Just a side note, More gravity will do things also; Chickens that lived
> > in a centrifuge at 2g or so were very powerful, There is a book that you
> > may find in the library called "The Great Mambo Chicken and The
> > Trans????man condition" about this interesting fact.
>They grew
> stronger, taller, more muscle, no excess fat, heart pumping more blood... It
> seems the only reason was that the increased gravity made them exercise
> more, in order to move around.
> Regards to all
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jean-Pierre Lentin
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Once again, everything is "diet and excersize". If you don't want to
sleep in a centrifuge get some of those jogging weights.
