Mambo Chicken book

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Wed, 4 Mar 1998 10:30:36 +0100 (MET)

Hi John & all

John Berry wrote :
> Just a side note, More gravity will do things also; Chickens that lived
> in a centrifuge at 2g or so were very powerful, There is a book that you
> may find in the library called "The Great Mambo Chicken and The
> Trans????man condition" about this interesting fact.

"The great mambo chicken and the transhuman condition - science slightly
over the edge", by Ed Regis, 1990. Although the "mambo chicken" (that's the
author's nickname for them) found a way into the title, there's only 2 pages
about them (the book is mainly about big mad projects like cryogenics, mind
downloading, space habitat, nanotechnology...). Experiment was done by a Dr
Athur Hamilton "Milt" Simth in the 1970s, University of California at Davis.
Hundreds of chicken had to live for months in 2 eighteen-foot long
centrifuges, so they were constantly at two and a half G. They grew
stronger, taller, more muscle, no excess fat, heart pumping more blood... It
seems the only reason was that the increased gravity made them exercise
more, in order to move around.

Regards to all
Jean-Pierre Lentin