Re: Something you should really examine.

Hexslinger ( )
Tue, 3 Mar 1998 00:26:20 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Bill McMurtry wrote:

> Hey Hexslinger,
> What ya mean we should'nt talk about things we don't know to exist? Is'nt
> creativity or discovery your bag?

Well DUH, of course creativity and discovery is in my bag -- but theism

> "Grrr... Atlantis was a Minoan city on the island of
> Stronghyle-Santorini"???!!! Since when? Is this your preferred theory or is
> this fact? (you state it like a real solid fact) Please provide evidence to
> support your claim (or is it someone else's claim that you are following?).
> If it's true that Atlantis was home to a bronze age culture with no nifty
> gadgets (no nifty gadgets!!!), then you've just wrecked my day. :)

As I recall, there was a paper floating around awhile back which goes into
detail about the myth of atlantis. I can't recall the name of the author
at the moment, so do me a favor and REMIND ME in your reply to post his
name (I'll pull up another copy of it and grab his name so you can
research it yourself if you like).

Anyway, to sum up his conclusions: The whole Atlantis foul-up began when a
greek named Solon traveled to Egypt. There he studied with egyptian
priests and was allowed to read their scrolls, where he learned of a
powerful 'nation' called Atlantis. Solon, unfortunately, misread the
scrolls - he misread the scrolls, such that all his measurements were TEN
TIMES TOO BIG. Later, Plato copied his measurements and accounts as
dictated to him by (I believe it was Plato's grandfather, but don't quote
me on that). Plato basically said "this has to be a crock - but I'll just
write these down anyway". The measurements indicated an island the size of
a continent -- when these figures were scaled back down, they matched the
dimensions of Stronghyle (the island of Santorini BEFORE it's central
volcano blew the island apart). But there was still a problem --
references were made to a capital city of sorts where the Temple of
Poseidon lay -- and it's dimensions didn't fit the island. However, it did
fit the dimensions of a nearby island -- that of CRETE, home of the Minoan
civilization. Atlantis was a trading outpost of the minoans, which existed
on said island with about six other smaller towns. At the time of it's
existence, they were at war with Athens and Egypt -- until it's
destruction, of course. They were, like the Minoans and the Greeks,
a bronze-age culture... they traded all over the Mediterranian... but they
were just another culture - no crystals, no k00l tek, nothing.
Sorry. :)