Greys & Dolphins
Tue, 03 Mar 1998 16:40:54 +0800


I like this theory by a guy called "Dragonbane"
( I will post part of the article.
Your opinion welcome.

Dragonbane wrote:

The Greys are *likely* descended from a dolphin-like or cetacean-based
life form. There are several reasons for this supposition. The answer
can be found in the similarities between cetaceans and Greys, using
physical and behavioral aspects.

Physical Aspects and Similarities:

First, let us examine the physical characteristics. The skin of a
Grey is very similar to that of dolphins in texture, and in most
cases, coloration. On Terra, cetaceans evolved legs and arms to
function on land, but when they returned to the oceans, the arms
and legs evolved into flippers and tails. X-ray analysis clearly
show the residual appendages in modern day dolphins and whales as
being comparable in skeletal structure to that of land-dwelling
mammals in placement and types of bones. It is possible that the
Greys evolved much like Terran dolphins did, but did not return to
the oceans, but continued to develop as a land based mammal. Next
is the skull shape: The Greys have a large rounded skull region
area on the upper anterior and posterior sections of their skulls.
An examination of the dolphin skull shows very similar large, rounded
anterior and posterior areas. The eyes of Greys are described as large
and black, with what appears to be a protective shielding covering
the eye. Many Terran aquatic animals have developed protective outer
eye shields for underwater use. It is possible that this is a
left-over attribute from the Greys' ocean origins which has not been
bred out, perhaps due to several unknown advantages of the shield.
Another factor is the dark coloration of this eye shield. It suggests
an eye structure suited for a reduced light environment. In the oceans,
this would be natural for a creature living underwater were the
planet's primary's light does not penetrate very deep. The dark
coloration would in indicative of eyes that absorb nearly all the light
that enters it, creating the appearance of blackness. On Terra,
dolphins and other cetaceans developed sonar ability as their primary
navigational aid, and thus do not rely as much on sight while underwater.

Behavioral Aspects and Similarities

There are also several similarities in the behavior of Greys and
dolphins. Terran dolphins use sonar both to navigate and stun prey
and enemies. The stun affect is of particular interest in this case.
Dolphins can emit very powerful and focused ultrasonic bursts from the
anterior section of their skulls, from an organ knows as a 'melon'.
This is used to stun prey and enemies, such as sharks and barracuda.
There has been an excellent film created by a group of students while
diving, illustrating of a group of dolphins utilizing this ability on
a very large barracuda. The barracuda was swimming towards a group of
very young dolphins. Four large adult dolphins turned so that there
heads were directly aligned with the barracuda, and emitted a sustained
ultrasonic burst. The effect on the barracuda was astounding. It
literally froze, completely paralyzed in the water, and even the gills
ceased to move. The dolphins stared at it for about thirty seconds,
during which time the barracuda remained totally immobilized. As
soon as they turned their heads away, the ultrasonic beam was no longer
focused on the barracuda, whereas it fled at a very high rate of speed
from the scene. Obviously, this beam was tightly focused, and required
the dolphin's head to be pointed directly at the target. The strength of
the beam could be changed as well. When hunting, the ultrasound beam
could be directed at small fish and amplified to lethal levels, causing
instant death. Some cetacean researchers believe that this is also used
when dolphins ram sharks. Autopsies of the shark corpses after a dolphin
attack reveal the sharks internal organs have been visibly shattered.
The beam can also be controlled so as to produce a stun effect, as in
the case of the barracuda. The result was physical paralysis and
disorientation. This phenomenon is very similar to the technique used by
the Greys as an aid to telepathic control of abductees. The similarities
are almost overwhelming. Nearly every abductee states that when they are
abducted, they are paralyzed by the Greys, and become mentally
disorientated. The most striking thing most recall is what is known as
the 'Stare.' This occurs when a Grey looks directly at an abductee,
whereas the large, dark eyes capture the abductee's attention
immediately. Abductees then report being unable to move, and a feeling of
great mental disorientation. On some rare occasions, abductees report a
lessening of these effects when a Grey looked slightly away from them.
This clearly indicates that the intensity of the effect was directly
proportional to the direction or focus of the front portion of the Grey
head. This evidence leads to the hypothesis that the Greys use a kind
of ultrasonic sound beam in conjunction with telepathy to paralyze an
abductee during an abduction.

The 'Stare" as abductees call it, is merely the positioning of the
Grey's anterior skull area, the projection area where the Grey
equivalent to the cetacean 'melon' is located, to achieve maximum beam
concentration on the abductee. When the Grey looks away, the beam would
naturally become less focused and the effect would diminish, just as it
appears when the Grey is distracted momentarily. The description of the
Grey's head is usually large, triangular and rounded in front and back.
This suggests a large and rounded rear and frontal brain lobe
structure. This is exceedingly similar to the physical structure of a
cetacean brain. It is the main difference between cetacean and human
brains. This large rounding is thought to be an adaptation of the
cetacean brain to handle the enormous data flow received from
echo-location and other sound-based communications faculties. It should
also be noted that on the rare occasions that abductees hear verbal
sounds from Greys, it is described as high-pitched, sometimes
chattering or staccato clicks or beeps. These are all similar to the
air vocalizations of dolphins. While the brain structure of the Greys
has remained basically constant, it can be assumed that the echo-
location ability of the Greys would have been decreased or atrophied
almost completely. After all, there is probably little use for echo-
location is such a society, thus it could have been bred out of the
species during cloning.

Origins of Greys:

Due to no knowledge at all of the origins of the Greys, either as simply
evolved cetaceans, or as a cloned slave society, several possible avenues
must be explored. A few that might be possible are simple evolution with
later genetic self-manipulation or manipulation of cetaceans by an outside
species. Since there is no evidence, albeit no data at all, any possible
origins theory that can be developed should be judged as possibly faulty,
until more data can be gathered.

Evolved Cetaceans:

A simple explanation for the origins of the Greys would be and
evolutionary process similar to that of humans, but from a cetacean
ancestor as opposed to a primate ancestor. At one point, instead of
returning to the oceans, or perhaps leaving the oceans, cetacean simply
evolved as a land-dweller, while retaining the vestigial features of
it's ancestors, much as humans still retain body hair, an appendix,
and a group of fused tail bones. At another time, the species evolved
more rapidly, created a technological base of fire (not possible
underwater), and created a complex society. Some time later, the
Greys either had a large accident or other event that severely
degenerated its genetic pool, or decided that the random genetic mixing
of sexual reproduction was inadequate for their society, and embarked
on cloning as a means to overcome their problem. After a period of time,
the knowledge of advanced genetics, as well as the technology needed
to created more advanced versions of their genetic machines were
somehow lost, and the result is a society that depends on its machines
for species survival, but who cannot recreate the technology. This
theory is supported by the reasons behind the abduction phenomenon, as
is very streamlined, without involving other species as manipulators.

The Masters:

Another of the theories possible begins with a cetacean life form
evolved on another planet. Unlike Terran cetaceans, they did not return
to the oceans, but were discovered and later altered and cloned by
another species. This species (called the Masters for argument's
sakes), needed a source of slave labor, and thus searched for an
intelligent lesser species that they could genetically manipulate
in order to be used effectively. Arbitrarily assuming that this
period of time was about one million years ago, the most evolved
species at that time on Terra would have been dolphins and whales.
This might also have been possible on another planet, where a similar
species evolved instead of a primate-like organism. Under this theory,
the cetacean ancestors of the Greys were taken and genetically
altered into an upright, bipedal species capable of doing labor for
the Masters. After a time, however, the Greys apparently rebelled,
and are now on their own, using the technology of the Masters, but
since they were created to simply operate them, and not to design them,
their knowledge of the technology's operation is lacking.

This theory would explain the lack of knowledge of genetics that the
Greys seem to suffer from, and why they can't simply make their own
genetic code artificially more diverse. They are able to manipulate
the technology, and use it to their advantage, but are unable to
understand the actual theoretical aspects and operations behind the
use of their equipment, thus resulting in a need for abduction of humans.


The final conclusions deduced from the evidence at hand is that the
Greys were artificially developed either by persons or beings unknown,
or by themselves, and that the Greys evolved from a cetacean-like life
form on another world. A cetacean-like life form developed naturally
on that planet, and either evolved naturally, or was accelerated in
their evolution artificially though genetic engineering, and later
cloning, which became their only form of reproduction. Because
of the cloning, their genetic sequence degrades after each cloning of
a clone, thus leading to the reason for the abduction of Terran humans,
as a method of repairing the damage in their own DNA (or other genetic
material), as well as adding new sequences to the cloning gene pool.