Re: Something you should really examine.

Bill McMurtry ( )
Tue, 03 Mar 1998 16:52:28 +1000

Hey Hexslinger,

What ya mean we should'nt talk about things we don't know to exist? Is'nt
creativity or discovery your bag?

"Grrr... Atlantis was a Minoan city on the island of
Stronghyle-Santorini"???!!! Since when? Is this your preferred theory or is
this fact? (you state it like a real solid fact) Please provide evidence to
support your claim (or is it someone else's claim that you are following?).
If it's true that Atlantis was home to a bronze age culture with no nifty
gadgets (no nifty gadgets!!!), then you've just wrecked my day. :)


At 21:02 2/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>> So, did God or 'the Gods' cause this or did they simply warn Noah of it??
>> I think they caused it because the stories I've read say the sexual
>> relations between humans and Nephilim/angels produced abominations such
>> as Satyrs, Centaurs and the mythological beasts...
>Gods are irrelevent. Speaking of things we don't know to exist are
>irrelevent, and that includes Nephilim (common, stick to your own rules -
>no UFO/Alien speak). :)
>> All that is interesting but not relevant to the list....wonder how they
>> dumped the water?? You either have to cool vapor to precipitate it or
>> you have to add so much additional moisture that the density causes it to
>> combine and fall as rain.
>It's funny this should be brought up - because it reminds me of a show I
>caught recently which stated that the Earth's orbit is variable -- that
>over time the earth becomes more distant and then closer to the sun (no,
>I'm not talking about the earth's position WITHIN it's orbit (i.e.
>perihilion, etc) - but rather the orbit itself becomes elongated so the
>earth becomes more distant or less distant to the sun. If this were so,
>then vapor layers could form at one orbital extreme, and then as it moves
>to the next extreme, it dumps all the water in the upper atmosphere -
>clearing the skies completely. [Incidentally - what effect would water
>have on the light reflected by the sun? Early cultures dont really speak
>much of the sun - because apparently the sun was obscured... the
>transition from day to night was marked, but the sun was never really
>seen. Besides that, would high-altitude extensive water vapor cause
>different frequencies of light to emerge so that the sky would appear -
>say - green instead of blue or what?]
>> But all the talk about crystals and such as being devices to heal,
>> destroy or produce energy, based on 'Atlantean' sources, are
>> interesting...wish they could be absolutely proven. The closest I've
>> seen to a simple test of crystals is to attach one of them to a gasoline
>> line to improve mileage. Same with magnets....
>Grrrr... Atlantis was a Minoan city on the island of Stronghyle-Santorini.
>It was a bronze-age culture. Always had been, always will be. They didn't
>have any super-k00l advanced gadgets, and assertions to the contrary are
>simply wrong.