Re: Spiricomm device

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 01 Mar 1998 23:34:16 -0800

Hi Sara!

With regard to your comments about electro voice phenomena and time
travel. The story about the walls fading away was told to me personally
by Walter Rawls of Jacksonville, Florida...he was partner with the late
Albert Royd Davis. Walter said he placed a magnet with the North pole
facing his forehead, over the pineal...he mounted it in a pair of glasses
so he could wear it easily......I am of the opinion it strengthens one of
the many energy bodies and his consciousness transferred to it with the
help of the know, the ancient Egyptians believed there were
multiple spirit bodies as do the Huna of Hawaii (3 bodies)....when you
are IN that realm, you use that particular spirit magick, there
is mention that master magicians can create whatever thoughtform they
wish to project, usually just an eye and ear, to travel in other realms,
for the purpose of collecting information...

As to Spiricomm....that is the term given by George Meeks Metascience.
George is an old man and his wife died a few years back, so he sold the
company to some folks in Chicago....they are now around Boulder, do a
websearch on 'electronic voice phenomena' known as EVP and it will reveal
the sites....they are nice fellows...

I regret to report that Dr. Walter Uphoff suffered a severe stroke
several years ago as reported to me by his wife Mary Jo....they have
given up the publication 'New Science Frontiers' and are in deep

There is much research in this field over in Europe, particularly the
Fishbachs in Germany....the links to the new EVP group will have
communications and info from them...they are the ones using TV to pick up
not only visual images but also voice...though it is not 'real-time'..

George Meek reported live voice communication using a 13 audible tone
device which the entity shapes to represent a kind of robotic speech.

The entities report serial time does not exist where they are...time is
associated with mass...the larger the mass, the faster the flow of
time....just as John Keely said, 'Time is Gravity'. Other information
was they lose consciousness when they exert too much thought or energy
and can wake up 1 day later, 1 year later or 50 years later, because of
the serial time quandary....I wonder if they can select the time period
they wish to visit???

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187