Characteristics of Aether

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 01 Mar 1998 23:49:33 -0800

Hi Folks!

The following is a list of the characteristics of aether by Hal Fox.
Here are some ideas (supported with experiments where we can):

1. The aether is a fluid-like medium in which all matter resides.

2. The aether penetrates the spaces between material particles.

3. The earth spins in the aether but (similar to the fundamental notion
of fluid mechanics) there is little relative motion between the
earth's surface and the aether. (See Michelson-Morley's experiment
for measuring the speed of light).

4. The aether is anisotropic (essential the same in all directions),
omnipresent, and energetic.

5. "Waves," such as light waves, travel at about 3 x 1010 centimeters
per second. However, light of different frequencies travels at
different speeds. The speed of light is measured near massive objects.
The speed of light in interstellar space may be different.

6. Light photons can interact with electrons and increase or decrease
the mass of the electrons. (See Quantum Mass Theory Compatible with
Quantum Field Theory, by Petar K. Anastasovski & Trevor M. Benson,
c1995, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.).

7. Aether particles (if the word particle can be properly used) have a
very low degree of reaction with matter. However, a small fraction of
the aether can be captured by matter.

8. The aether is increased by all type of radiated electromagnetic
phenomena. The aether is decreased by small but finite interactions
with matter (possibly more intense interactions are found in massive
bodies such as planets and suns).

9. The aether flow through ferro-magnetic materials is the fundamental
cause of magnetism.

10. The aether flow or interaction with charged particles is the
fundamental cause of electric fields.

As a result, it may be possible to create an aether shield (such as shown
by T. Townsend Brown and suggested by A. Zielinski).
Extracted from:
This aether shield Zielinski said was created using pulsed high voltage,
but I had to tug a lot to get him to admit that...he is very secretive,
says he works with a German research group and they have produced
levitation and propulsion using this method. Said they found you could
take a very heavy mass, say 100 pounds. Put an aether shield in front of
it to create a 'well' and the weight of the 100 pounds would 'fall' into
that a wagon harnessed to a goat who follows a carrot hung in
front of him. In this case, Spanky and our Gang rules...<g>...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187