EVP & Time

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 01 Mar 1998 23:30:13 -0800

Hi Folks!

This is a bit off topic but the idea of serial time as indicative of no
gravity makes it interesting....here is what was emailed;

Following Edison's 1922 theory of "Life Units", a schematic was designed
allowing voice communication with the spirit world. Edison believed the
answer to this lay in the implementation and fusing of various metals
with magnetic properties. Edison used this as the basis for conducting
voice communication. As a young boy, I remembered catching a glimse of a
picture of Edison's partially completed invention resting on a pine
table while being nervously guarded by ?. Unfortunately, this small
(2ft.1ft.), wooden boxed invention, and all record of it, have gone with
Edison. Thomas Edison and his collegues employed then existant
technologies through a sound understanding of mathematics, physics,
chemistry, and electrical current. Edison used tubes instead of magnets.
Edison's family museum claims any correspondence as unbsubstantiated.

In the years to follow, technology became increasingly electronic with
the work life's work of Dr. Raudive with his work invention using
technological advancements of EVP {Electronic Voice Phenomenon}. Before
passing on in the early-mid eighties Raudive postulated he'd produced
what he termed a "SpiriComm (Spirit Communication) Device." Through his
own passing, Rautive was able to disprove the use of his device given
interdimensional space/time differentials. Interdimentionally, time may
be measured by the century or as a passing moment. For this reason, EVP
appears destined to remain elusive. Although Dr. Rautive based his
life's work on providing a workable device, it's ironic that it took his
own passing to eventually prove the limitlessness of his work. Although
such devices may eventually become reality, it would appear difficult if
the device would allow communication between inter-generational users.

Jerry, I am currently wondering if you know or might steer me toward
finding additional pages with UPDATED info on these types of articles?
Also, finding a good research team isn't easy. Personally, my interest
in the realm of interdimensional time travel began with a webpage I read
some time ago. One proposed explanation for the use of sizeable magnets
when combined with multiple electrical generators may have been to test
and measure ball lightening. It was induced on at least one occasion,
during experimentation, where the walls of the studio began to
disappear. In place of the walls and building was a large field, where
about fifty yards distant, sat a man and women. They were sitting in a
field of grass, next to a large oak tree. While the experiment took
place, the man (both he and his counterpart were dressed in middle
nineteenth century attire) became increasingly astonished as he appeared
to be gazing in wonderment at the experimentor. The woman had seen
nothing, as she was facing away, her head nestled in his shoulder.

Any relevant files or anyone with anything to share or contribute on
these or similar topics please E-Mail me at sreno@village.ca

Thank you in advance for your consideration,

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187