Re: Kindling

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 01 Mar 1998 23:12:12 -0800

Hi Folks!

This psychic link about people who have a natural ability to influence or
engender energy flows in free energy devices is related to this thread.

The reports of;
1) Hendershot massaging a soft spot in a capacitor to get his coil
to produce energy, like he was feeling for a reflected wave as he
found the proper 'swing' to get into resonance with the aether
2) Henry Moray listening to headphones tuned to the background noise
of the universe...he would listen for a particular rhythm in the
chaotic (seemingly random) noise as he tuned his circuit to match
as reported in the book 'Sea of Energy'
3) John Keely reporting the use of an 'artificial neutral center'
and that some of his machines needed an 'introductory impulse' to
kick start it. Once started and barring reversions (back emf
type signals but consisting of acoustic frequencies that
interferred and halted the 'flow') the machine would run until one
or more parts wore out or it was intentionally stopped or loaded
beyond redemption (bible-belt lingo, sorry...<g>....)

One unnamed source says his machine needs to be tickled or teased up to
the power required...

Yet one unnamed source says his circuit must be 'kick-started' at the
power level that will be used. I am having problems with this particular
claim because other reports of free energy devices say the machine or
circuit will source whatever the load requires, up to the limit of
operation of the circuit components where something will burn out.

At any rate, to establish the initial 'flow' seems to be the trick. Once
the tiny stream of energy was induced, it would be a matter of widening
the stream for more power to supply heavier loads.

I think this applies also to the more psychic aspects of free energy,
where you setup a pattern of intent, feed it or repeat it to create an
archetype, then release the archetype to bias reality. Much like the
winning of the $27,000 using the intent reinforcer device...

Someone needs to map Daniel when he is actually building one of his
coils, using a Mind Mirror to determine the specific pattern that forms
when he is actually sensing or manipulating the energy he uses...for that
matter, Peter Guy Manners could be mapped when he is doing his remote
spoon bending....though he says it is spontaneous and unplanned...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187