Re: Kindling

Dr Jones ( )
Mon, 2 Mar 1998 19:03:24 +1300

At 22:47 1/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>I can't seem to get away from this kindling effect....where one becomes
>desensitized to specific colors/frequencies....but you can rekindle a
>sensitivity to them. The whole idea of one or more frequencies, no
>longer susceptible to the body, causing physical, emotional or mental
>illness just offers all kinds of opportunities.
>In the movie, 'the Rainman' with Dustin Hoffman, the screen credits list
>a doctor whose name escapes me...he says he has developed a system to
>'retrain' the ear so that people with hearing loss, due to accident or
>age, can restore their case of a 70 year old man ended up
>with him having the hearing of a 15 year old...another was a fellow whose
>hearing had been degraded by working with blasting caps....his hearing
>was also corrected....

What about Flanagan's device? I thought that Flanagan's little device
transmitted sound directly to the brain. That sounds a better idea, more in
line with conventional science...