Re: Townsend Brown's Electrogravitic Discs

Dr Jones ( )
Mon, 2 Mar 1998 18:52:47 +1300

At 22:33 1/03/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Please let me introduce myself. My name is William Hand and I am an 18 year
>old high school graduate. I am interested in computers, science, UFOs/ETs,
>science fiction, advanced technology, movies, television, the internet, etc.
>Let me state that I am NOT very educated right now and most likely I am not
>MOST ignorant person on this list. So I apologise if my posts do not seem
>like they are from a highly educated person. I know very little about
>Physics and Higher Math.

Well welcome to the real world, kiddo. In this area you'll find assertion,
ego, deception, outright lying, twisting of words and meanings as to render
them incomprehensible.

I try to keep 6 wise men in my employ. I call them how, who, what, why, when
and where. You would do well to do the same.
>Now, Have all of you heard about Townsend Brown's Electrogravitic discs? I
>have been reading up on them on the internet for the last several weeks.
>It is a toy that has been sold on the website. It is really just a little
>magnet suspended like in a magnetic field. It is NOT real antigravity. If we
>developed small scale versions of Townsend Brown's discs then we could make
>a BUNDLE of money selling them and at the same time we would help to EXPOSE
>a SUPPRESSED technology to the WORLD!

Are you sure that you're not talking about the Levitron? That sort of
technology just doesn't blow me skirts up.

As for small scale disks... from what I've read (and Im not talkign about
the Biefield-Brown effect, which may be quite a different kettle of fish)
but it seems very similar to an air ionizer, which produce small amounts of
thrust anyway.
>Any money that was made from selling these small scale discs could be used
>to support further new/alternative energy and antigravity research. So what
>do you think? Do you think it would be possible to reproduce his discs and
>sell them to the public? We could make money to support
>antigravity/NewEnergy research and expose a suppressed technology at the
>same time.

Its a good idea, but needs dedication, motivation and strong will.
>What do you think?
>Well, take care and God Bless.
>Best Regards,
>William Hand

