Re: Probability Biasing

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 04:00:35 -0800

Hi Don!

Thanks for the Cad Lux URL....I know it was posted in an earlier email
to the list...

As to this guy, I remember Wayne from Alaska, I think Anchorage...seem to
recall someone said he'd moved to the states and he could well be part of
Cad Lux...<g>...since their system is similar but specifically for

You know, Mathias noticed that Cad Lux price too!!! I think it would be
useful to see what gemstones are needed to produce the various
colors....also Dean Stonier might even have a videotape available from
that Global Sciences Conference...geez, must have been 1989 or so...his
website is;

If someone else doesn't ask him I will...he doesn't really sell the
videotapes...that is Elizabeth and Mark of 'Back Country
Productions'...really nice people and they have quite a library of
original tapes they've made of various conferences over the years...they
might even have a website by now?? So any purchases of this tape would
have to be from them....

Wouldn't that be a great product to make and sell? This Wayne guy said
ONLY GEMSTONES had the spectral purity you need to make this work...he
even said his gemstones were specially selected...uh-oh...that could be a
problem....but not if the colors were identified as to angstroms, then
you could match them up yourself....

You know, that bit about spectrally pure is a bit hard to I
understand it, it is a matter of doping of the crystal to get the various
colors and intensities...emeralds have chromium??, rubies have another
element, the amount of the dopant in the gem determines its
color and shade....

Well, before I'd put money or time into it, I would try to get one of
those videotapes or try to get in touch with Wayne...I'll bet Dean would
know his full name off the top of his head. I'll ask him...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187