Re: Hardball

Roger Natanaelsson ( )
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 08:18:35 +0100

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Enjoyed our conversation tonite, particularly about 'motor sensitives'
> i.e. people like the Canadian savant Daniel who can sense the flow of
> energy and direct it to produce phenomena.
> Your anecdote about the 4 fellows who sat on either side of Daniel and
> constructed a wiring circuit exactly like his, and that ONLY HIS worked,

Jerry and All,
This is intresting:
1.Daniel have chosen a specific wiring circuit, wich he have found to be
beneficial to energy flow.
As for initiated Alchemists, only the initiated can get the phenomena.
Keely and Daniel too ?
I think we have a lot to learn from this.

Roger N.