
Bill McMurtry ( weber@powerup.com.au )
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 23:45:08 +1000

Hi Jerry,

way back in 1995 some info on water electrolysis was posted on KeelyNet.
The experimenter was Mike Randall (H2OGAS.ASC, WATERGAS.ASC, WATGAS1.GIF).

The data looked promising (interesting), is this guy still researching this

It seems that many of the water electrolysis 'guru's' make mention of
running internal combustion engines on the hydrogen and oxygen cracked from
water. The obvious stumbling block in producing an engine system that runs
on, and produces, hydrogen/oxygen is the energy required to crack the water.

How can an internal combustion engine drive an electric generator which
supplies the energy to crack the water which provides the fuel to run the
internal combustion engine which in turn drives the generator, etc, etc.?

Is'nt water electrolysis less than 100% efficient? Is it possible to pump
100 Watts into water and receive more than 100 Watts output from an engine
using the fuel/gas produced? Have some researchers claimed to have done
exactly this?

Questions, questions.
