Re: Watgas
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 23:30:02 -0600 (CST)

>on feb 23, 1998 Bill wrote:

>It seems that many of the water electrolysis 'guru's' make mention of
>running internal combustion engines on the hydrogen and oxygen cracked from
>water. The obvious stumbling block in producing an engine system that runs
>on, and produces, hydrogen/oxygen is the energy required to crack the water.

>How can an internal combustion engine drive an electric generator which
>supplies the energy to crack the water which provides the fuel to run the
>internal combustion engine which in turn drives the generator, etc, etc.?

>Is'nt water electrolysis less than 100% efficient? Is it possible to pump
>100 Watts into water and receive more than 100 Watts output from an engine
>using the fuel/gas produced? Have some researchers claimed to have done
>exactly this?

>Questions, questions.


Perhaps this info may be of help. J. Bruce McBurney has a interesting
webpage dealing with a lot of High milage supercarb designs at
I can't remember if he has any articles dealing with water carbs.

Also if you go to patent number 5156114, it has to do with mixing water and gas
for combustion in an engine and has a lot of referances to other patents that
may be of interest.

I also know that I have somewhere a copy of an old patent that is a carb that
splits water into h2 and O2 before feeding it into the manifold. I was looking
for it last week and I still can't find it. If I do find it I will scan it in
and post it on my webpage and let you all know. I hope that this info helps.

Garrett Herning