Re: Watgas

Bob Aldrich ( )
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 18:50:15 -0800

Bill McMurtry wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> way back in 1995 some info on water electrolysis was posted on KeelyNet.
> The experimenter was Mike Randall (H2OGAS.ASC, WATERGAS.ASC, WATGAS1.GIF).
Hi Bill,

Take a look at for a system that runs 50% water and
may be cracking the water right in the combustion chamber. He uses a
non-toxic emulsifier that is used to make water "wetter" on golf

I got ahold of some of this stuff and mixed it up with the water/oil mix
for a chain saw, 50% water. It ran like a banshee! But needs a lot of
choke and was unstable, i.e., wouldn't run for more than ten seconds or
so without having to change something, like more choke, less fuel, or
less choke, more fuel. I ran the thing this way for about thirty
minutes, trying various configurations, enought to know that there's
something there and the technology is workable.

I then had a long conversation with their public relations man and
basically he said that they aren't interested in putting it into cars as
most oil companies own their own gas station chains and so sell their
own product. They won't want to sell someone else's product. But A-55 is
selling to power companies now and there is a lot of interest in this,
ans it cuts the pollution WAY down, and yet is CHEAPER to run. This is a
double bonus for them.

He also told me the technology will work in any kind of combustion
engine, aircraft, jet, car, diesel, anything.

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles