Re: Phase Conjugation

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 14:02:27 -0800

Hi Ed!

I thought that was 8 tubes?? in the Tesla Electric Car. But it is an
interesting correlation....there is a very small company who claims to
have figured out the SPECIFIC PARAMETERS for transistors that will
produce an additive energy effect. My contact won't provide any details
despite me badgering him repeatedly...the claim is a 30Watt 'perpetual
battery' which they hope to market to power laptops and other low power

I asked if I could build this from a circuit, he said NO....because out
of 50 off the shelf transistors, perhaps one would have the specific
parameters needed for use in the circuit.

Tom Bearden thinks the Fogal transistor (superconducting) might be the
key to a true o/u circuit. Met Bill Fogal and we had drinks with some of
our Texas group....he showed us his HOMEMADE transistors, made on the
kitchen table with soldering iron and epoxy...very crude but they are
real....all kinds of amazing properties from them....Bill at that time
was kind of lost with how to proceed though he had numerous options.
I've not kept up with his activities lately though I understand there is
at least one website about them.

The point I think Peter makes is that each transistor has a kind of
inherent 'filter' in it that passes qualities that other transistors
would filter OUT because of phase conjugative interference. This would
apply to ANY MASS and is PURE KEELY with his idea of 'graduation' or
harmonziation of all mass constituents, similar to the Bose Einstein

Even a simple wire would filter a full spectrum the case of
the transistors, you are looking for some degree of AMPLIFICATION of the
signal, not just detection. Opens up a BIG can of worms in several

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187