Puharic Frequency

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 13:43:53 PST

To Jerry, et al,

Jerry, Some friends of mine and I got an ultrasonic transducer that is
capable of 42Khz-50Khz. We got a circuit built and are beginning
testing. We cant find a quartz tube so we are going to use a glass test
tube. A friend of mine has worked out the subharmonic table and we are
going to use that in doing this experiment. Have you done it? Or has
anyone else done it? If so what should we look for and look out for?
Also we think we may be able to resonate matter like Keely with my
friend's subharmonic table. So we hope. If you have any suggestions
please let us know. Heck even my girlfriend is now interested and has
read all the Keely files. Her response shocked us after reading them.
"Duh..I knew this already." She was serious. Makes me feel like an
idiot. So she is explaining it to us.


cjt642@hotmail.com Chris Thomas
http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/crystal/100/index.html Alternate
Energy Research Project

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