Re: Aging

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 21:52:08 -0800

Hi Don!

You wrote;
> Where do you get this stuff?

Well, Schuyler was selling his homeopathic fluid for about $100 a
bottle...I think that was about a 3 month supply?? I don't have his
address but it would be interesting to get some people to try it....I
guess I could too...:>

A friend named Bill Strauss out in Sacramento got interested in this
about 6 years ago...he took the frequency for D2O and sent it to a
radionics fellow over in England, asking for a 2D pattern that would
phase shift D2O by 180's been so long,...ah yes, the guy
was Malcolm Rae or Stuart Rae....anyway, he found that just about
anything could be reduced to a series of radial lines in a
the pattern was a circle with two lines forming an triangle, which he
said his radionic device indicated would phase shift any D2O that was
brought near it....being a flat cardboard pattern, anything placed on it,
fluid, food, whatever was supposed to be 'cleared' of the D2O quenching
ability....I haven't seen the pattern in several years...maybe I can
locate Bill again and get him to send me another copy...I should have
mapped it, size of circle and the specific angle of the two lines...then
written it into the D2OMAST file for 'posterity' and if anyone chose to
experiment with it.

The natural abundance of heavy water to light is 1 drop of heavy water in
every 6,000 drops of light water and it worsens with every atomic bomb is everywhere, in your shower/bath water, in everything you
drink and a chelation system (literally hook) would remove it
or it might be transmuted (lowlevel) in the body back to the hydrogen

It's one thing to reduce intake as much as possible, but I am more
interested in the mass purge system....where you lose all the teeth, hair
etc....of course they grow back in everytime you reach about
40 years of age, you take this aqua vitae and rejuvenate back to 20 or other claim was a substance called 'oil of antimony' that was
said to rejuvenate if properly made and ingested....there are also two
stories of herbal/plant mixes that rejuvenate, but only for women!!!!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187