
Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 21:15:39 -0800

Hi Folks!

Strange, over the last few days, I've gotten several phone calls about
aging, specifically a file I wrote years ago on deuterium oxide (heavy
water) as being the cause or at least a contributor...a fellow named
Schuyler out in California said they had made some kind of homeopathic
version that is supposed to suppress or transmute any heavy water
quenching of the low level transmutations that Kervran says occurs in the
body. He says when you drink this stuff, it will increase your energy
level, your skin tightens up, hair darkens and you lose excess fat...

A guy called from Australia asking about the same thing and yet another
called from Idaho today asking about it. He was fascinated by the link
to spontaneous human combustion....if you suddenly remove or transmute
all the D2O from the body, all the nuclear furnaces in the mitochondria
would flame up, causing the body to burn. One of the tests would be to
check for higher than normal levels of radioactivity in or near a body
which had suffereced SHC. If there is greater radioactivity, it would
certainly point to the D2O concept as having some validity.

Patrick Flanagan told me years ago he tried freezing water, then letting
the top section melt for drinking water. He figured the heavy water
would fall to the bottom so light water would be on the surface. He said
there was no noticeable change in him while he carried out this

Interesting also how the alchemical 'aqua vitae' is supposed to be the
water of life that heals and rejuvenates. Various apocryphal stories
about drinking it all point to complete rejuvenation and reversal back to
a physical age of about 20 years....the entire process takes place in 24
hours in one case up to 3 days in another. Another side effect in one
story, it causes the ejection of all dead or dying tissue while the body
is being purged...all teeth, hair, finger/toe nails, eyelashes/brows, and
a black ooze comes from the skin....this leaves only fresh, new and
healthy tissue.....initialize me Scotty!!!!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187