Speculative Papers!

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:41:53 +0500


* Check out #6!

Click: http://www.inetarena.com/~noetic/pls/References/speculative.html

Speculative Papers: "The papers you find here are all written by
scientifically literate and intelligent people"

1. "Superconductivity, the structure scale of the universe."
R. D. Saam, October 15, 1996, LANL database number physics/9705007.

2. "Euclidean three-space plus time parameter for gravitoelectrodynamics of
superfluid cone-charges."
I. E. Boulyjenkov, LANL database gr-qc/9708004, 4 Aug 1997.

3. "A Radiant Pressure Model of Remote Forces"
Stanley V. Byers theory of inertia and gravity,

4. "Theory of the Sustentation of Matter"
Mario R. Carvajal, http://www.accmail.com/carvajal/theory.htm

5. "On the Unification of Fields"
Todd J. Desiato, 3 Nov 1997, http://tjd-online.simplenet.com/unified.htm

6. "An Electrodynamic Model of General Relativity"
Todd J. Desiato, PACS 04.62.+v, 04.50.+h,12.10.Dm, Revision: F, January 9,

Abstract: In Part I. of this paper I model space-time using its energy storing,
passive electronic component values, consisting of inductance and capacitance.
I call this the LC model. By using the Gravitational Red shift predicted by
Einstein in the theory of General Relativity, I show how gravitation alters the
inductance and capacitance in a region of space. I then use this result to
derive Einstein's equations of General Relativity from the derivatives of the
scalar functions of inductance and capacitance. This is done at differentiable
points in space-time. In this fashion the gravitational field is shown to be
an electro-dynamic effect that is caused by the change in these "electrical
component values".

This model is in complete agreement and is consistent with the standard models
of General Relativity and Quantum Electrodynamics. In evidence of this I derive
the same equation as Einstein for the Red shift, except from the LC model. I
show that this effect is independent of charge or current, and depends only on
the mass and kinetic energy content of an electric dipole oscillator.

In part 2 of this paper I speculate a hypothesis for the quantum electrodynamic
interaction for this effect. I show by using the "Image Method" that an
asymmetrical reflection of the electromagnetic field in the "strong near field"
of an electric dipole can cause a gradient in the permeability and permittivity
of space in that region.

ALSO SEE: R.L. Collins EM Gravity Papers