Re: Wesley Gary/Sweet

Bill McMurtry ( )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 19:26:14 +1000

At 23:28 11/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>About the claims of Searl...he told my friend Reuben Joswiak that the
>elements that are used to make one of his 'special' magnets were arranged
>or layered in such a way that a spiralling magnetic field of increasing
>intensity was created....kind of like a screw....I tried to get Reuben to
>write all that down THEN, but he never did...
>Searl said the each element had a bit of a magnetic spiral naturally
>associated with it and this information was supposed to be in the books
>of the square that he and John Thomas wrote. I have all those, but can't
>make a lot of sense of them.....
>>From the way Searl described it to Reuben....once these elements were
>PRESSED together in a special sequence, the spiralling field could be
>used to create a self-driving magnet as was used in the Searl flying
>After building the TOMI, which by the way, stands for 'theory of magnetic
>instability', I am inclined to think Searl really does know something.
>Hamel's spinner also took advantage of this magnetic instability as does
>the mythical SMOT (which is based on the TOMI though never credited as
>the source).
>As to Sweet, Don Watson who now lives near Baltimore is the one who
>showed me (and others) the programmed magnets...if you take a 4 X 6 slab
>BaFe magnet that is polarized with N on top and S on bottom, the bloch
>wall/equator is about the middle of the edge, which you can see with flux
>viewing plastic. Once programmed with this bubble, the bloch wall MOVED
>UP the edge and INTO the top surface by about 1/4"....which effectively
>altered the 'duty cycle'....i.e. where originally it would have a ratio
>of 50 : 50, it now has a ratio of 70 : 30...and you can do it so that
>either the South or North is preponderant...(don't get to use that word
>often..<g>..) it ain't a monopole but now you have one polarity
>that is STRONGER than the other....interesting, eh?
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

Hi Jerry,

Mike Watson and Don Watson (no relation) delivered a joint lecture at the
'94 Symposium in Denver. I've stayed in contact with Mike, he has wavered
from a believer to a sceptic, and back again. While in Denver in '94 I had
long late night chats with both Don and Mike about what they were doing and
their relationship with Sparky Sweet. Both thought Sweet a wiley old cudger
(thanks Dr.J) that did'nt think twice about making them jump through hoops
if it suited him. The general concensus was that Sweet really did'nt
understand how his device worked - in fact sometimes it did'nt. The magnet
'programming' was stated to be very sensitive and the process was 'spooky'.

Don Watson refused to exhibit a working device at the symposium because, he
claimed, he could not guarantee that the 'programmed' magnets would survive
the trip in. He did not want to look a fool, in his words, if the thing
did'nt work at the symposium. Mike Watson had never gotten the thing to
work over many months of experimenting, aside from a brief 10 second burst
of power from the device, which he was unable to replicate (this drove him
to distraction, as you might expect). Personally I found Don a rather
strange and paranoid guy - fun to talk to though. Mike is very down to earth.

It is interesting to note that Walter Rosenthal stated point blank to me
that he had witnessed Don's device working and that for a period of 2 weeks
(from memory) Don was lighting a 60 Watt house bulb on the output of the
magnet/coil device with a 9 volt transistor radio battery input power source.

When I arrived home from that symposium I set up a magnet 'zapping' rig to
further explore the magnetic bubble effect that Mike and Don had spoken
about and shown. These tests resulted in my replication of the 'bubble
effect' and were interesting in that at least part of the process advocated
by Sweet seemed to work. I could never get any power out of the setup
outlined by Don, though.


P.S. while at the 'retreat' prior to the '94 symposium both Searle and
Thomas were canvassing for a HUGE amount of money to build their 'searle
effect generator'. I put it to Searle that if he would demonstrate the
fundimental effect of one magnet rotating around another magnet, as
outlined by Searle in the past, then I for one would come work for them for
nothing. This fundimental effect would not cost much to demonstrate.
Apparently these days you can't demonstrate this 'simple effect' anymore.
You have to build a huge expensive machine or "it just won't work". My, My,
how times change.